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Published July 19, 2016 | Published
Book Section - Chapter Open

Development of dual-polarization LEKIDs for CMB observations

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We discuss the design considerations and initial measurements from arrays of dual-polarization, lumped-element kinetic inductance detectors (LEKIDs) nominally designed for cosmic microwave background (CMB) studies. The detectors are horn-coupled, and each array element contains two single-polarization LEKIDs, which are made from thin-film aluminum and optimized for a single spectral band centered on 150 GHz. We are developing two array architectures, one based on 160 micron thick silicon wafers and the other based on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) wafers with a 30 micron thick device layer. The 20-element test arrays (40 LEKIDs) are characterized with both a linearly-polarized electronic millimeter wave source and a thermal source. We present initial measurements including the noise spectra, noise-equivalent temperature, and responsivity. We discuss future testing and further design optimizations to be implemented.

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© 2016 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). The devices were fabricated at JPL. We thank the Xilinx University Program for their donation of FPGA hardware and software tools used in the readout system. This research is supported in part by a grant from the Research Initiatives for Science and Engineering (RISE) program at Columbia University to B.R.J. H. M. is supported by a NASA Earth and Space Sciences Fellowship.

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August 20, 2023
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