Published November 15, 2012 | public
Journal Article

Iron, zinc, magnesium and uranium isotopic fractionation during continental crust differentiation: The tale from migmatites, granitoids, and pegmatites

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The causes of some stable isotopic variations in felsic rocks are not well understood. In particular, the origin of the heavy Fe isotopic compositions (i.e., high δ^(56)Fe values, deviation in ‰ of the ^(56)Fe/^(54)Fe ratio relative to IRMM-014) of granites with SiO_2 > 70 wt.% compared with less silicic rocks is still debated. It has been interpreted to reflect isotopic fractionation during late stage aqueous fluid exsolution, magma differentiation, partial melting, or Soret (thermal) diffusion. The present study addresses this issue by comparing the Fe isotopic compositions of a large range of differentiated crustal rocks (whole rocks of migmatites, granitoids, and pegmatites; mineral separates) with the isotopic compositions of Zn, Mg and U. The samples include granites, migmatites and pegmatites from the Black Hills, South Dakota (USA), as well as I-, S-, and A-type granitoids from Lachlan Fold Belt (Australia). The nature of the protolith (i.e., I- or S-type) does not influence the Fe isotopic composition of granitoids. Leucosomes (partial melts in migmatites) tend to have higher δ^(56)Fe values than melanosomes (melt residues) indicating that partial melting of continental crust material can possibly fractionate Fe isotopes. No clear positive correlation is found between the isotopic compositions of Mg, U and Fe, which rules out the process of Soret diffusion in the systems studied here. Zinc isotopes were measured to trace fluid exsolution because Zn can easily be mobilized by aqueous fluids as chloride complexes. Pegmatites and some granitic rocks with high δ^(56)Fe values also have high δ^(66)Zn values. In addition, high-SiO_2 granites show a large dispersion in the Zn/Fe ratio that cannot easily be explained by magma differentiation alone. These results suggest that fluid exsolution is responsible for some of the Fe isotopic fractionation documented in felsic rocks and in particular in pegmatites. However, some granites with high δ^(56)Fe values have unfractionated δ^(66)Zn values and were presumably poor in fluids (e.g., A-type). For these samples, iron isotopic fractionation during magma differentiation is a viable interpretation. Equilibrium Fe isotopic fractionation factors between silicic melts and minerals remain to be characterized to quantitatively assess the role of fractional crystallization on iron isotopes in granitoids.

Additional Information

© 2012 Elsevier Ltd. Received 27 September 2011, Accepted 14 August 2012, Available online 25 August 2012. We thank Alfred T. Anderson for valuable assistance with mineral separation; Mark S. Ghiorso and Julia E. Hammer for assisting with the Melts calculations; Richard J. Walker for providing the Black Hills pegmatite samples. We also thank Francis Albarede and Philippe Telouk for the generous access to the Nu Plasma mass-spectrometer in Lyon for the Zn isotopic measurements. Drafts of this manuscript have benefitted from thoughtful comments by Alfred T. Anderson and Cin-Ty A. Lee. Comprehensive reviews by three anonymous referees helped improve the manuscript. This work was supported by NASA (NNX09AG59G, NNX12AH60G), NSF (EAR-0820807) and a Packard Fellowship to N.D., by NSF (EAR-0838227 and EAR-1056713) and Arkansas Space Grant Consortium (SW19002) to F.Z.T, and by NASA Grants (NNX12AD88G and NNX12AH70G) to F.M.

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