Published December 9, 1993 | public
Journal Article

Analysis of time-resolved photocurrent transients at semiconductor/liquid interfaces

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Small signal photocurrent transients have been measured for n-Si/CH₃OH-Me_2Fc^(+/0)/Pt, n-Si/Au/CH₃OH-Me₂Fc^(+/0)/Pt, n-Si/Pt/NaOH(aq)/Ni(OH)₂/Ni, n-TiO₂/NaOH(aq)/Ni(OH)₂/Ni, and n-TiO₂/NaOH(aq)-Fe(CN)₆^(3-/4-)/Pt cells. Even though the radio-frequency and microwave conductivity signals for photoexcited n-Si/CH₃OH-Me₂Fc^(+/0) contacts persist for > 100 µs, the photocurrent transients for these interfaces decayed in <10 µs and were limited by the series resistance of the cell in combination with the space-charge capacitance of the semiconductor. An equivalent circuit model is presented and physically justified in order to explain this behavior. The model is also used to elucidate the conditions under which photocurrent transients at semiconductor electrodes can be expected to yield information regarding the faradaic charge-transfer rate across the semiconductor/liquid interface.

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© 1993 American Chemical Society. Received: August 25, 1993. We are indebted to Dr. S. Gottesfeld of Los Alamos National Laboratory and Dr. S. Feldberg of Brookhaven National Laboratory for invaluable discussions regarding the equivalent circuit models discussed herein, Dr. J. R. Winkler for his assistance with the data collection and analysis programs, Prof. H. Martel of Caltech for aid in the circuit analysis, and Profs. H. Gerischer and F. Anson for several helpful discussions regarding this work. We also acknowledge the Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, for their generous support of this work.

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