Published November 2018 | public
Journal Article

SuperSpec, The On-Chip Spectrometer: Improved NEP and Antenna Performance

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SuperSpec is a new technology for mm and sub-mm spectroscopy. It is an on-chip spectrometer being developed for multi-object, moderate-resolution (R ∼ 300), large bandwidth survey spectroscopy of high-redshift galaxies for the 1 mm atmospheric window. This band accesses the CO ladder in the redshift range of z= 0–4 and the [CII] 158 μm line from redshift z= 5–9. SuperSpec employs a novel architecture in which detectors are coupled to a series of resonant filters along a single microwave feedline instead of using dispersive optics. This construction allows for the creation of a full spectrometer occupying only ∼10 cm^2 of silicon, a reduction in size of several orders of magnitude when compared to standard grating spectrometers. This small profile enables the production of future multi-beam spectroscopic instruments envisioned for the millimeter band to measure the redshifts of dusty galaxies efficiently. The SuperSpec collaboration is currently pushing toward the deployment of a SuperSpec demonstration instrument in fall of 2018. The progress with the latest SuperSpec prototype devices is presented; reporting increased responsivity via a reduced inductor volume (2.6 μm^3) and the incorporation of a new broadband antenna. A detector NEP of 3–4 ×10^(−18) W/Hz^(0.5) is obtained, sufficient for background-limited observation on mountaintop sites. In addition, beam maps and efficiency measurements of a new wide-band dual bow-tie slot antenna are shown.

Additional Information

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018. Received: 19 October 2017 / Accepted: 16 April 2018. This work is supported in part by NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship NSTRF NNX15AQ09H and NSF AST ATI Grant 1407457.

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