Published January 2018 | public
Book Section - Chapter

Superconducting parametric amplifiers: The next big thing in (Sub)millimeter-wave receivers

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We are developing a new superconducting amplifier technology for radio astronomy instruments called the Traveling-Wave Kinetic Inductance Parametric (TKIP) amplifier. Invented at Caltech/JPL, recent laboratory demonstrations have resulted in near quantum-limited noise performance over more than an octave of microwave bandwidth and operating temperatures as high as 3 Kelvin. These amplifiers have the potential to be used as front-end replacements for ALMA's mm/sub-mm SIS receivers and intermediate frequency (IF) amplifiers, and for multiplexing faint signals from focal-plane arrays of single-photon detectors on space telescopes such as NASA's Origins Space Telescope (OST). The enhanced observational capabilities that would be enabled by TKIP front-end amplifiers on ALMA would tremendously benefit ALMA science across all bands.

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© 2018 IEEE. We acknowledge support for this study from the Cycle-5 NRAO ALMA Development Study program.

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August 19, 2023
March 5, 2024