Published February 1, 1997 | public
Journal Article

Studies of lead tungstate crystal matrices in high energy beams for the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter at the LHC

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Using matrices of lead tungstate crystals, energy resolutions better than 0.6% at 100 GeV have been achieved in the test beam in 1995. It has been demonstrated that a lead tungstate electromagnetic calorimeter read out by avalanche photodiodes can consistently achieve the excellent energy resolutions necessary to justify its construction in the CMS detector. The performance achieved has been understood in terms of the properties of the crystals and photodetectors.

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© 1997 Published by Elsevier B.V. Received 1 August 1996, Available online 15 May 1998. We would like to thank C. Ercoli of CERN for her help with the analysis of the temperature sensor data. We would also like to thank all the engineers and technicians from the collaborating laboratories who have helped with the work described in this paper. We are also grateful for the cooperation of other members of the CMS collaboration, and in particular those of the CMS ECAL group.

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August 22, 2023
October 18, 2023