Published January 2022 | Supplemental Material + Submitted + Published
Journal Article Open

Policy Deliberation and Voter Persuasion: Experimental Evidence from an Election in the Philippines

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In a randomized experiment in cooperation with two national parties competing in a congressional election in the Philippines, we estimate the causal effect on voting behavior of a town-hall style campaign in which candidates discuss their campaign platform with small groups of citizens. Keeping the parties' platform fixed, we find that town-hall meetings have a positive effect on parties' vote shares compared to the status quo, in which voters play a passive role. Consistent with the parties' advocacy for underprivileged groups, we observe heterogeneous effects by income, education, and gender. Deliberative campaigns increase voters' awareness on the issues parties campaign on, affecting the vote of the direct beneficiaries of the parties' platform.

Additional Information

© 2020 Midwest Political Science Association. Issue Online: 14 January 2022; Version of Record online: 14 October 2020. We thank Scott Abramson, Chris Blattman, Don Green, Macartan Humphreys, Amaney Jamal, Massimo Morelli, Betsy Paluck, Cyrus Samii, and seminar participants at Columbia University, Princeton University, the World Bank, and Yale University for useful comments on earlier versions of this article. Financial support from The Mamdouha S. Bobst Center for Peace and Justice is gratefully acknowledged. Verification Materials: The data and materials required to verify the computational reproducibility of the results, procedures, and analyses in this article are available on the American Journal of Political Science Dataverse within the Harvard Dataverse Network, at:

Attached Files

Published - American_J_Political_Sci_-_2020_-_L_pez_u2010Moctezuma_-_Policy_Deliberation_and_Voter_Persuasion_Experimental_Evidence_from_an.pdf

Submitted - philippines.pdf

Supplemental Material - ajps12566-sup-0001-suppmat.pdf



Additional details

August 20, 2023
October 23, 2023