Published November 10, 2017 | public
Journal Article

High-frequency wavepackets in turbulent jets


Wavepackets obtained as solutions of the flow equations linearised around the mean flow have been shown in recent work to yield good agreement, in terms of amplitude and phase, with those educed from turbulent jets. Compelling agreement has been demonstrated, for the axisymmetric and first helical mode, up to Strouhal numbers close to unity. We here extend the range of validity of wavepacket models to Strouhal number St = 4.0 and azimuthal wavenumber m = 4 by comparing solutions of the parabolised stability equations with a well-validated large-eddy simulation of a Mach 0.9 turbulent jet. The results show that the near-nozzle dynamics can be correctly described by the homogeneous linear model, the initial growth rates being accurately predicted for the entire range of frequencies and azimuthal wavenumbers considered. Similarly to the lower-frequency wavepackets reported prior to this work, the high-frequency linear waves deviate from the data downstream of their stabilisation locations, which move progressively upstream as the frequency increases.

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© 2017 Cambridge University Press. Received 5 July 2017; revised 2 September 2017; accepted 11 September 2017. Published online: 29 September 2017. K.S. acknowledges financial support from Capes and FAPESP, grant number 2016/25187-4. A.V.G.C. and P.J. acknowledge support from the Science Without Borders programme (project number A073/2013). A.V.G.C. was supported by a CNPq research scholarship, and by CNPq grant 444796/2014-2. T.C. gratefully acknowledges support from the Office of Naval Research under contract N0014-11-1-0753. The LES studies are supported by the NAVAIR SBIR project, under the supervision of Dr J. T. Spyropoulos. The main calculations were carried out on CRAY XE6 machines at DoD supercomputer facilities at ERDC DSRC.

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August 21, 2023
October 17, 2023