Published March 2017 | Supplemental Material + Published
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Quantifying K, U, and Th contents of marine sediments using shipboard natural gamma radiation spectra measured on DV JOIDES Resolution

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During International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) expeditions, shipboard-generated data provide the first insights into the cored sequences. The natural gamma radiation (NGR) of the recovered material, for example, is routinely measured on the ocean drilling research vessel DV JOIDES Resolution. At present, only total NGR counts are readily available as shipboard data, although full NGR spectra (counts as a function of gamma-ray energy level) are produced and archived. These spectra contain unexploited information, as one can estimate the sedimentary contents of potassium (K), thorium (Th), and uranium (U) from the characteristic gamma-ray energies of isotopes in the ^(40)K, ^(232)Th, and ^(238)U radioactive decay series. Dunlea et al. [2013] quantified K, Th and U contents in sediment from the South Pacific Gyre by integrating counts over specific energy levels of the NGR spectrum. However, the algorithm used in their study is unavailable to the wider scientific community due to commercial proprietary reasons. Here, we present a new MATLAB algorithm for the quantification of NGR spectra that is transparent and accessible to future NGR users. We demonstrate the algorithm's performance by comparing its results to shore-based inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), inductively coupled plasma-emission spectrometry (ICP-ES), and quantitative wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyses. Samples for these comparisons come from eleven sites (U1341, U1343, U1366-U1369, U1414, U1428-U1430, U1463) cored in two oceans during five expeditions. In short, our algorithm rapidly produces detailed high-quality information on sediment properties during IODP expeditions at no extra cost.

Additional Information

© 2017 The Authors. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License, which permits use and distribution in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, the use is non-commercial and no modifications or adaptations are made. Received: Nov 09, 2016; Revised: Jan 09, 2017; Accepted: Feb 16, 2017; Accepted manuscript online: 20 February 2017. We thank the IODP Expedition 323, 346, and 356 Shipboard science parties, the crew, and technical staff of DV JOIDES Resolution for help. We also thank C. Hauzenberger and W. Gössler for help with ICP-MS measurements. This project used samples and data provided by the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) and its predecessors. DDV is a postdoctoral researcher and HP is the principal investigator in ERC Consolidator grant "EarthSequencing" (grant agreement 617462). Portions of this material are based on work supported while RWM was serving at the National Science Foundation. All new data reported in this study can be obtained from PANGAEA ( We ran the algorithm for all holes cored JOIDES Resolution since Expedition 317: These datasets can be downloaded from


In the originally published version of this article, Software S1 and S2 files were inadvertently omitted from the Supporting Information. These files have since been added and this version may be considered the authoritative version of record.

Attached Files

Published - Vleeschouwer_et_al-2017-Geochemistry,_Geophysics,_Geosystems.pdf

Supplemental Material - ggge21260-sup-0001-2016GC006715-s01.docx

Supplemental Material - ggge21260-sup-0002-2016GC006715-sfts01.txt

Supplemental Material - ggge21260-sup-0003-2016GC006715-sfts02.txt

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