Published February 2012 | public
Book Section - Chapter

A 0.28THz 4x4 power-generation and beam-steering array

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Up until recently, the terahertz frequency range (0.3 to 3THz) has been mostly addressed by high-mobility custom III-V processes, bulky and expensive nonlinear optics, or cryogenically cooled quantum cascade lasers. A low-cost room temperature alternative will enable a wide range of applications in security, defense, ultra-high-speed wireless communication, sensors, and biomedical imaging not currently accessible due to cost and size limitations. CMOS can potentially provide such a low-cost platform, but it requires novel techniques and architectures to generate, manipulate, radiate, and detect signals above transistor f_(max), which are in the sub-THz frequency region in most of today's nodes.

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© 2012 IEEE. The authors acknowledge J. Zmuidzinas, G. Blake, P. Siegel, S. Weinreb and all members of our research group for their assistance, IBM for fabrication and Ansoft and Mentor Graphics IE3D for software support.

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August 19, 2023
October 24, 2023