Published March 2005 | public
Book Section - Chapter

The Pegasus portal: web based grid computing

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Pegasus is a planning framework for mapping abstract workflows for execution on the Grid. This paper presents the implementation of a web-based portal for submitting workflows to the Grid using Pegasus. The portal also includes components for generating abstract workflows based on a metadata description of the desired data products and application-specific services. We describe our experiences in using this portal for two Grid applications. A major contribution of our work is in introducing several components that can be useful for Grid portals and hence should be included in Grid portal development toolkits.

Additional Information

© 2005 ACM. Pegasus is supported by NSF under grants ITR-0086044 (GriPhyN) and ITR AST0122449 (NVO). LIGO Laboratory operates under NSF cooperative agreement PHY-0107417. Montage is supported by the NASA Earth Sciences Technology Office Computing Technologies (ESTO-CT) program, under Cooperative Agreement Notice NCC 5-6261.

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August 19, 2023
October 23, 2023