Published December 1986 | public
Journal Article

Sequences sufficient for correct regulation of Sgs-3 lie close to or within the gene

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The Drosophila melanogaster 68C chromosomal locus is the site of a prominent polytene chromosome puff that harbors the genes Sgs-3, Sgs-7 and Sgs-8. These genes code for proteins that are part of the salivary glue that Drosophila larvae secrete as a means of fixing themselves to an external substrate for the duration of the pre-pupal and pupal period. The 68C glue genes are regulated by the steroid hormone ecdysterone, with the hormone required for both initiation and cessation of gene expression during the third larval instar. Previous work has defined sequences sufficient for expression of abundant levels of Sgs-3 mRNA at the correct time and in the correct tissue. We show here that sequences sufficient for normal tissue- and stage-specific accumulation of Sgs-3 RNA, but adequate only for low levels of expression, lie within 130 bp of the 5' end of the gene, or within the gene.

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© 1986 EMBO. Received on 2 September 1986. Communicated by F. C. Kafatos. We thank Liz Noell, Rita Mundy and Carol Mayeda for expert technical assistance and Mark Garfinkel for pGX2.4 DNA. Helpful comments from Karl Fryxell, Mark Garfinkel, Chris Martin and Margo Roark are acknowledged. This work was supported by grant GM28075 from the National Institutes of Health to E.M.M. M.A.C. and P.H.M. were supported by NIH grant 1 T32 GM07616-08 and K.V.R. was the recipient of a fellowship from Procter and Gamble.

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October 23, 2023