Published June 2001 | public
Journal Article

Understanding TCP Vegas: a duality model

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This paper presents a model of the TCP Vegas congestion control mechanism as a distributed optimization algorithm. Doing so has three important benefits. First, it helps us gain a fundamental understanding of why TCP Vegas works, and an appreciation of its limitations. Second, it allows us to prove that Vegas stabilizes at a weighted proportionally fair allocation of network capacity when there is sufficient buffering in the network. Third, it suggests how we might use explicit feedback to allow each Vegas source to determine the optimal sending rate when there is insufficient buffering in the network. We present simulation results that validate our conclusions.

Additional Information

© 2001 ACM. The first author acknowledges the support of the Australian Research Council through grants 8499705, A49930405 and S4005343, and the Caltech Lee Center for Advanced Networking. The second author acknowledges the support of NSF through Grant ANI-9906704 and DARPA through contract F30602-00-2-0561.

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August 19, 2023
October 23, 2023