Published August 1999 | public
Book Section - Chapter

Multiresolution mesh morphing

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We present a new method for user controlled morphing of two homeomorphic triangle meshes of arbitrary topology. In particular we focus on the problem of establishing a correspondence map between source and target meshes. Our method employs the MAPS algorithm to parameterize both meshes over simple base domains and an additional harmonic map bringing the latter into correspondence. To control the mapping the user specifies any number of feature pairs, which control the parameterizations produced by the MAPS algorithm. Additional controls are provided through a direct manipulation interface allowing the user to tune the mapping between the base domains. We give several examples of æsthetically pleasing morphs which can be created in this manner with little user input. Additionally we demonstrate examples of temporal and spatial control over the morph.

Additional Information

© 1999 ACM. Work of David Dobkin and Aaron Lee was supported in part by NSF (CCR-9731535) and the US ARO (DAAH04-96-1-0181). Aaron Lee was also supported by a Wu Graduate Fellowship. Peter Schröder was supported in part by NSF (ACI-9624957, ACI-9721349, and DMS-9874082). Other support was provided by Alias wavefront and a Packard Foundation Fellowship. Special thanks to Adam Finkelstein for many interesting and stimulating discussions; the University of Washington for providing the Spock and mannequin head; Cyberware for providing the horse and rabbit; Arthur Gregory for providing the cup and donut.

Additional details

August 19, 2023
October 23, 2023