Published October 25, 2016 | public
Journal Article

Discussion of 'Modelling viscous damping in nonlinear response history analysis of buildings for earthquake excitation' by Anil K. Chopra and Frank McKenna

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This discussion deals with recommendations in the paper on appropriate damping formulations for use in nonlinear response history analysis of buildings. Concern over potentially excessive damping forces and moments should extend beyond the damping moments produced by the stiffness proportional part of Rayleigh damping that corresponds to rotational springs used to explicitly model plastic hinges. The key to an appropriate damping formulation for nonlinear analysis is a realistic mechanism that allows all damping forces and moments to be meaningfully assessed. Then features can be added to keep these forces and moments within reasonable bounds.

Additional Information

© 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Issue online: 13 September 2016; Version of record online: 25 May 2016; Manuscript Accepted: 24 April 2016; Manuscript Revised: 22 April 2016; Manuscript Received: 19 January 2016.

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