Published August 1999 | public
Book Section - Chapter

Multiresolution signal processing for meshes

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We generalize basic signal processing tools such as downsampling, upsampling, and filters to irregular connectivity triangle meshes. This is accomplished through the design of a non-uniform relaxation procedure whose weights depend on the geometry and we show its superiority over existing schemes whose weights depend only on connectivity. This is combined with known mesh simplification methods to build subdivision and pyramid algorithms. We demonstrate the power of these algorithms through a number of application examples including smoothing, enhancement, editing, and texture mapping.

Additional Information

© 1999 ACM. Igor Guskov was partially supported by a Harold W. Dodds Fellowship and a Summer Internship at Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies. Other support was provided by NSF (ACI-9624957, ACI-9721349, DMS-9874082), Alias|wavefront and through a Packard Fellowship. Special thanks to Ingrid Daubechies, Aaron Lee, Adam Finkelstein, Zoë Wood, and Khrysaundt Koenig. Our implementation uses the triangle facet data structure and code of Ernst Mücke, and the priority queue implementation by Michael Garland.

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August 19, 2023
January 13, 2024