Published June 2002 | public
Book Section - Chapter

Hybrid Meshes: Multiresolution using regular and irregular refinement

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A hybrid mesh is a multiresolution surface representation that combines advantages from regular and irregular meshes. Irregular operations allow a hybrid mesh to change topology throughout the hierarchy and approximate detailed features at multiple scales. A preponderance of regular refinements allows for efficient data-structures and processing algorithms. We provide a user driven procedure for creating a hybrid mesh from scanned geometry and present a progressive hybrid mesh compression algorithm.

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© 2002 ACM. This work was supported in part by DARPA and NSF (DMS-9875042) and NSF (CCR-0133554, ACI-9982273, DMS-9872890). Additional support was provided by the Packard Foundation, Alias|Wavefront, Microsoft, nVidia, Pixar and Intel. Models are courtesy Cyberware, Max Planck Institute for Computer Graphics and Stanford University.

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August 19, 2023
October 23, 2023