Published May 2013 | public
Book Section - Chapter

Real-time deferrable load control: handling the uncertainties of renewable generation

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Real-time demand response is essential for handling the uncertainties of renewable generation. Traditionally, demand response has been focused on large industrial and commercial loads, however it is expected that a large number of small residential loads such as air conditioners, dish washers, and electric vehicles will also participate in the coming years. The electricity consumption of these smaller loads, which we call deferrable loads, can be shifted over time, and thus be used (in aggregate) to compensate for the random fluctuations in renewable generation. In this paper, we propose a real-time distributed deferrable load control algorithm to reduce the variance of aggregate load (load minus renewable generation) by shifting the power consumption of deferrable loads to periods with high renewable generation. At every time step, the algorithm minimizes the expected variance to go with updated predictions. We prove that suboptimality of the algorithm vanishes as time horizon expands. Further, we evaluate the algorithm via trace-based simulations.

Additional Information

© 2013 ACM. This work was supported by NSF NetSE grant CNS 0911041, ARPA-E grant DE-AR0000226, Southern California Edison, National Science Council of Taiwan, R.O.C, grant NSC 101-3113-P-008-001, Resnick Institute, Okawa Foundation, NSF CNS 1312390, NSF grant CNS 0846025, and DoE grant DE-EE000289.

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August 19, 2023
October 23, 2023