Published December 2015 | public
Journal Article

Solitary wave-based delamination detection in composite plates using a combined granular crystal sensor and actuator

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We experimentally and numerically investigate a diagnostic method for detecting hidden delamination in composite panels, using highly nonlinear solitary waves. Solitary waves are a type of nonlinear waves with strong energy intensity and non-distortive nature, which can be controllably generated in one-dimensional granular crystals. In this study, we use granular crystals as a combined sensor and actuator to detect hidden delamination in carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite panels. Specifically, we locally excite a CFRP composite specimen using the granular crystal as an actuator and measure the reflected waves that carry the specimen's diagnostic information using the same device as a sensor. We first investigate the effect of the panel's boundary conditions on the response of the reflected solitary waves. We then investigate the interactions of a solitary wave with delamination hidden in the CFRP composite specimen. Lastly, we define a damage index based on the solitary waves' responses to identify the location of the hidden delamination in the CFRP composite panel. The solitary wave-based diagnostic method can provide unique merits, such as portable and fast sensing of composites' hidden damage, thereby with the potential of being used for hot spot monitoring of composite-based structures.

Additional Information

© 2015 IOP Publishing. Received 12 May 2015, revised 15 September 2015. Accepted for publication 21 September 2015. Published 15 October 2015. We thank I Yoon for helping with the numerical analysis. J Yang and E Kim acknowledge the support from the US Office of Naval Research (N000141410388), National Science Foundation (CMMI-1414748), and the Royalty Research Fund from the University of Washington. C Daraio acknowledges support from the US National Science Foundation (CMMI-1200319).

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August 20, 2023
October 20, 2023