Published July 20, 2016 | public
Journal Article

First Impact Factor for ACS Photonics: 5.404


As we head into the summer conference season, I am writing to you with some interesting news from ACS Photonics. This month, Thomson Reuters Incites Journal Citation Report published journal impact factors for 2016, and ACS Photonics received its debut impact factor of 5.404. This impact factor is an early indicator that ACS Photonics has already established itself among the top tier of photonics-focused journals. Impact factor (IF) is a statistic that relates the frequency at which papers published in the journal for a two year period have been cited in a single calendar year. For the 2016 IF, which was released this year, the number relates the number of citations in 2016 to papers published in 2014 and 2015. Because ACS Photonics first published issues in 2014, the first IF for the journal considered papers published only in 2014. In contrast, the IF for journals that are more than two years old considers two years of publications. Because of this difference, journals often achieve a substantial positive change in the IF between their first and second publication years, after which more subtle changes typically occur from year to year.

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© 2016 American Chemical Society. Received: June 29, 2016; Accepted: June 29, 2016; Published: July 20, 2016.

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