Published November 15, 2016 | public
Journal Article

Laboratory demonstration of a dual-stage vortex coronagraph

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While an ideal optical vortex coronagraph operating behind a clear, circular, unaberrated telescope aperture can theoretically provide perfect rejection of the incident plane wave from an unresolved star, use of a telescope with an on-axis secondary mirror limits the rejection. In theory, a dual-stage vortex coronagraph can provide improved starlight rejection for an on-axis telescope, and here we provide experimental confirmation of the predicted distribution of the residual light in the output pupil plane of a dual-stage vortex coronagraph. In addition, a simple method of further improving the rejection of such a coronagraph is suggested: by slightly oversizing the first Lyot stop and phase-shifting the light within the exposed annulus by half a wave, the residual starlight within the pupil can be canceled to deeper levels.

Additional Information

© 2016 Elsevier. Received 22 February 2016, Revised 14 May 2016, Accepted 15 May 2016, Available online 1 June 2016. This work was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under contract with NASA, United States.

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August 22, 2023
October 18, 2023