Published May 1995 | Submitted + Published
Journal Article Open

Imaging the Small-Scale Circumstellar Gas Around T Tauri Stars

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We have detected circumstellar molecular gas around a small sample of T Tauri stars through aperture synthesis imaging of CO(2→1) emission at ˜2"-3" resolution. RY Tauri, DL Tauri, DO Tauri, and AS 209 show resolved and elongated gaseous emission. For RY Tau, the deconvolved, half-maximum radius along the direction of elongation, P.A. ˜48°, is 110 AU. Corresponding radii and orientations for the other sources are: DL Tau-250 AU at P.A. ˜84°; DO Tau-350 AU at P.A. ˜160°; AS 209-290 AU at P.A. ˜138°. RY Tau, DL Tau, and AS 209 show velocity gradients parallel to the elongation, suggesting that the circumstellar material is rotating. RY Tan and AS 209 also exhibit double-peaked spectra characteristic of a rotating disk. Line emission from DO Tan is dominated by high-velocity blue shifted gas which complicates the interpretation. Nevertheless, there is in each case sufficient evidence to speculate that the circumstellar emission may arise from a protoplanetary disk similar to that from which our solar system formed.

Additional Information

© 1995 American Astronomical Society. Received 1995 January 20; accepted 1995 January 25. We thank the anonymous referees for comments which helped clarify the results of this paper. D.K. acknowledges support from NASA Grant No. NGT-51071 and a Resident Research Associateship from the National Research Council. Owens Valley Radio Observatory is funded by NSF Grant No. AST-9314079.

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