Published February 2016 | Supplemental Material
Journal Article Open

Rapidly Estimated Seismic Source Parameters for the 16 September 2015 Illapel, Chile M_w 8.3 Earthquake

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On 16 September 2015, a great (M_w 8.3) interplate thrust earthquake ruptured offshore Illapel, Chile, producing a 4.7-m local tsunami. The last major rupture in the region was a 1943 M_S 7.9 event. Seismic methods for rapidly characterizing the source process, of value for tsunami warning, were applied. The source moment tensor could be obtained robustly by W-phase inversion both within minutes (Chilean researchers had a good solution using regional data within 5 min) and within an hour using broadband seismic data. Short-period teleseismic P wave back-projections indicate northward rupture expansion from the hypocenter at a modest rupture expansion velocity of 1.5–2.0 km/s. Finite-fault inversions of teleseismic P and SH waves using that range of rupture velocities and a range of dips from 16°, consistent with the local slab geometry and some moment tensor solutions, to 22°, consistent with long-period moment tensor inversions, indicate a 180- to 240-km bilateral along-strike rupture zone with larger slip northwest to north of the epicenter (with peak slip of 7–10 m). Using a shallower fault model dip shifts slip seaward toward the trench, while a steeper dip moves it closer to the coastline. Slip separates into two patches as assumed rupture velocity increases. In all cases, localized ~5 m slip extends down-dip below the coast north of the epicenter. The seismic moment estimates for the range of faulting parameters considered vary from 3.7 × 10^(21) Nm (dip 16°) to 2.7 × 10^(21) Nm (dip 22°), the static stress drop estimates range from 2.6 to 3.5 MPa, and the radiated seismic energy, up to 1 Hz, is about 2.2–3.15 × 10^(16) J.

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© 2016 Springer International Publishing. Received October 5, 2015, revised October 20, 2015, accepted October 23, 2015, Published online November 12, 2015. We thank Luis Rivera for his program for calculating stress drop for variable slip models, and Charles Ammon for sharing preliminary R1 source time functions and their azimuthal patterns. Sebastian Riquelme provided information on the regional W-phase inversion that helped guide the tsunami alert and evacuation. The IRIS DMS data center was used to access the seismic data from Global Seismic Network and Federation of Digital Seismic Network stations. We thank the editor and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by NSF grant EAR1245717 (T. L.).

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