Published April 1978 | public
Journal Article

Upper limits for the microwave pulsed emission from supernova explosions in clusters of galaxies

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Between 1972 and 1975 an international collaborative search was carried out for prompt 10 GHz emission at the onset of supernovae. The motivations and techniques involved in this effort are described, and the results of the three years' work are summarized. No pulses from supernovae were detected, the best upper limit being 4×10^(43) ergs in a 40 MHz band at 10 GHz for a pulse time-scale ≲0.5 s. Methods for improving this limit are briefly described.

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© 1978 by D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dordrecht-Holland. Received 4 October, 1977. Jn an experiment which lasted over three years, and in which five groups in different countries were engaged, it is not surprising that many people have contributed in various ways at different stages of development. We wish to express here our gratitude to all of them. In particular, thanks are due to: S. Colgate for illuminating and stimulating discussion and for expanding, adopting and unravelling his theory for our benefit; G. Cavallo for criticisms and discussions at various stages of this work and comments on the manuscripts; and C. T. Kowal for kindly providing the available information about the SNe in Perseus. Part of the arguments and data included in this paper were presented by some of us at the Erice Summer School on Fast Transient Phenomena (Erice, 28 June-7 July, 1976). The Harwell and Bologna groups wish to acknowledge NATO for financial support, under Research Grant No. 653.

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August 19, 2023
October 25, 2023