Published December 1976 | public
Journal Article

Absence of short period interspersion of repetitive and non-repetitive sequences in the DNA of Drosophila melanogaster

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A sensitive search has been made in Drosophila melanogaster DNA for short repetitive sequences interspersed with single copy sequences. Five kinds of measurements all yield the conclusion that there are few short repetitive sequences in this genome: 1) Comparison of the kinetics of reassociation of short (360 nucleotide) and long (1,830 nucleotide) fragments of DNA; 2) reassociation kinetics of long fragments (2,200 nucleotide) with an excess of short (390 short nucleotide) fragments; 3) measurement of the size of S1 nuclease resistant reassociated repeated sequences; 4) measurement of the hyperchromicity of reassociated repetitive fragments as a function of length; 5) direct assay by kinetics of reassociation of the amount of single copy sequence present on 1,200 nucleotide long fragments which also contain repetitive sequences.

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© 1976 Springer. Received March 2, 1976. Accepted March 22, 1976 by J. G. Gall. Ready for press March 30, 1976. We thank Dr. Ray White for his generous gift of tritium labeled Drosophila DNA. This work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (HD-05753 and GM-20927) and from the National Science Foundation (BMS75-07359). W.R.C. holds a postdoctoral fellowship from the National Institutes of Health (GM-55726). F.C.E. held a postdoctoral fellowship from the American Cancer Society (PF-955). W.R.P. is a predoctoral fellow on a National Institutes of Health tranining grant (GM-00086).

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