Published March 29, 1974 | public
Journal Article

Venus: Atmospheric Motion and Structure from Mariner 10 Pictures

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The Mariner 10 television cameras imaged the planet Venus in the visible and near ultraviolet for a period of 8 days at resolutions ranging from 100 meters to 130 kilometers. The general pattern of the atmospheric circulation in the upper tropospheric/lower stratospheric region is displayed in the pictures. Atmospheric flow is symmetrical between north and south hemispheres. The equatorial motions are zonal (east-west) at approximately 100 meters per second, consistent with the previously inferred 4-day retrograde rotation. Angular velocity increases with latitude. The subsolar region, and the region downwind from it, show evidence of large-scale convection that persists in spite of the main zonal motion. Dynamical interaction between the zonal motion and the relatively stationary region of convection is evidenced by bowlike waves.

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© 1974 American Association for the Advancement of Science. 4 March 1974. We acknowledge the ingenuity, diligence, and dedication of the many engineers and scientists of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory who have contributed to the Mariner 10 television experiment. In particular the skilled staff of the Space Photography Section, the Image Processing Laboratory, the Mission Test Computer, and the Mission Test Information System have played a major role in our work. James Anderson and Michael Malin of the California Institute of Technology, Robert Krauss of the University of Wisconsin, and Ken Klaasen and Robert Toombs of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory made major contributions. It has been a special privilege to work with Gene Giberson, manager of the Mariner-Venus-Mercury Project, and his able staff. Andrew Ingersoll of the California Institute of Technology supplied valuable criticism. Contribution No. 2458 of the Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena 91109. Research sponsored in part by NASA contract NAS 7-100. Kitt Peak National Observatory is operated by AURA, Inc., under contract to the National Science Foundation.

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