Published May 2016 | Submitted + Supplemental Material
Journal Article Open

Broadband dispersion-engineered microresonator on a chip

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The control of dispersion in fibre optical waveguides is of critical importance to optical fibre communications systems and more recently for continuum generation from the ultraviolet to the mid-infrared. The wavelength at which the group velocity dispersion crosses zero can be set by varying the fibre core diameter or index step. Moreover, sophisticated methods to manipulate higher-order dispersion so as to shape and even flatten the dispersion over wide bandwidths are possible using multi-cladding fibres. Here we introduce design and fabrication techniques that allow analogous dispersion control in chip-integrated optical microresonators, and thereby demonstrate higher-order, wide-bandwidth dispersion control over an octave of spectrum. Importantly, the fabrication method we employ for dispersion control simultaneously permits optical Q factors above 100 million, which is critical for the efficient operation of nonlinear optical oscillators. Dispersion control in high-Q systems has become of great importance in recent years with increased interest in chip-integrable optical frequency combs.

Additional Information

© 2016 Macmillan Publishers Limited. Received 17 May 2015; accepted 4 February 2016; published online 14 March 2016. We gratefully acknowledge support from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency under the QuASAR program, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Kavli Nanoscience Institute and the Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, an NSF Physics Frontiers Center with support of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. D.C.C. acknowledges support from the NSF GRFP under Grant No. DGE 1144083. Author Contributions: K.Y.Y. and K.J.V. conceived the experiments. K.Y.Y. and D.Y.O. performed the numerical simulations. K.Y.Y. developed the fabrication method with assistance from H.L. K.Y.Y., K.B., D.C.C., P.D., S.A.D., S.B.P. and K.J.V. designed and built the EOM comb-assisted dispersion measurement set-up. K.Y.Y., K.B., D.C.C., X.Y., P.D. and J.L. performed the dispersion measurement, and K.Y.Y., K.B., D.C.C., X.Y., P.D., J.L., S.A.D., S.B.P. and K.J.V. analysed the data. K.Y.Y. and K.J.V. prepared the manuscript with input from all co-authors. The authors declare no competing financial interests.

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Submitted - 1506.07157v1.pdf

Supplemental Material - nphoton.2016.36-s1.pdf


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