Published May 1960 | public
Journal Article

On the Renormalization of the Axial Vector Coupling Constant in β Decay

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The models of the axial vector current discussed byGell-Mann andLévy are examined further. Generalized Ward identities are derived for the axial vector weak vertex. It is then shown that in theσ model and the non-linear model the renormalization factor —G_A/G may be expressed as a matrix element in the theory of strong interactions. Thus in the σ model, which is renormalizable, —G_A/G is finite in every order. Since —G_A/G exhibits divergences in the non-linear model, that model is not renormalizable in the usual sense.

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© 1960 Springer. Ricevuto il 25 Febbraio 1960. First online: 28 October 2007. National Science Foundation Post-Doctoral Fellow. National Science Foundation Senior Post-Doctoral Fellow.

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