Published March 21, 1983 | public
Journal Article

Parity mixing in ^(21)Ne; evidence for weak neutral currents in nuclei

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The parity nonconserving circular polarization of γ-rays from the 2.789 → 0.0 MeV transition in ^(21)Ne is found to be (0.8 ± 1.4) × 10^(−3), which corresponds to a parity mixing matrix element │〈H_W〉│ = 0.009 ± 0.016 eV between the two members of the 2.8 MeV doublet. This matrix element can be combined with parity mixing matrix elements measured in ^(18)F and ^(19)F to predict isoscalar and isovector weak nucleon-nucleon coupling constants in excellent agreement with theoretical "best" values obtained in a Weinberg-Salam model calculation.

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© 1983Elsevier. We wish to thank for valued assistance, George Ewan during data collection and Mike Wood and Francis Rozon during data analysis.

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