Published April 30, 1984 | public
Journal Article

Low-energy behavior of the ^3He(α, γ)^7Be cross section

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Cross sections for the ^3He(α, γ)^7Be reaction have been measured at several energies from E_(c.m.) = 165 to 1169 keV by counting prompt γ-rays from a windowless, differentially pumped, recirculating, ^3He gas target. The cross-section factor S_(34)(E_(c.m.)) and branching ratio γ_1/γ_0 were determined at each energy. Cross sections were also measured at E_(c.m.) = 947 and 1255 keV by counting the γ-rays from the ^7Be produced in a ^3He gas cell with a Ni entrance foil. Combining the results of these two independent experiments yields a zero-energy intercept for the cross-section factor of S_(34)(0) = 0.53 ± 0.03 keV · b. The relationship between these measurements and several theoretical calculations, and the import of the extrapolated cross section for the solar-neutrino problem are discussed.

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© 1984 North-Holland Publishing Company. Received 27 September 1983. The authors wish to thank Professor William A. Fov.ler for his encouragement and guidance throughout these experiments. This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grant no. PHY79-23638.

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