Published May 3, 1976 | public
Journal Article

^(14)C production by the reaction ^(11)B(α, p)^(14)C

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To estimate the production rate of long-lived radio-nuclides during the controlled thermonuclear burning of exotic fuels, cross sections for the ^(11)B(α, p)^(14)C reaction have been measured for α-particle energies in the range 1.43 to 2.94 MeV. Angular distributions have been measured at 20 keV intervals within this energy range. Five resonances have been identified corresponding to states in ^(15)N at excitation energies from 12 to 13 MeV. A discussion of possible spin, parity assignments is presented.

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© 1976 Published by Elsevier B.V. Supported in part by the National Science Foundation [MPS71-02670 A05 and GP-43585] and the Ford Motor Company.

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