Published September 1962 | public
Journal Article

The upper three-phase region in the system SiO_2 - H_2O

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Melting relations in the system SiO_2 – H_2O were studied at high temperatures and pressures. A quadruple point for the equilibrium among quartz, tridymite, and 2 fluids was found at 1160° C. and 1500 bars. A second quadruple point for tridymite, 2 fluids, and cristobalite is estimated to be near 1470° C. and 400 bars. The freezing point of SiO_2 in equilibrium with 2 fluid phases is depressed from 1720° C. at one bar to 1130° C. at 2000 bars. This freezing point is diminished by only an additional 50° C. with a further increase in pressure to 9700 bars. The compositions of coexisting fluids along the upper 3-phase boundary have been determined. A critical end point for the univariant equilibrium curve was found at 1080° C. and 9700 bars with a composition of approximately 75 wt% SiO_2 to 25 wt% H_2O.

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© 1962 American Journal of Science. Partial financial support for this investigation stemmed from Mineral Synthesis Contract. ONR 233(28), and Pressure Effects on Metals Contract, ONR 233(53), as well as a National Science Foundation Grant.

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October 23, 2023