Published August 1988 | public
Journal Article

The NGF-Inducible SCG10 mRNA Encodes a Novel Membrane-Bound Protein Present in Growth Cones and Abundant in Developing Neurons

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We have characterized and sequenced cDNA clones corresponding to the neural-specific SCG10 mRNA. The predicted amino acid sequence is novel and not strongly homologous to that of any known polypeptide. The protein is encoded by two mRNAs that differ in their choice of polyadenylation site. Immunocytochemical localization experiments using an affinity-purified antibody (against an SCG10 TrpE fusion protein) reveal accumulations of punctate staining in the perinuclear cytoplasm, axons, and growth cones of cultured neurons. SCG10 levels are maximal in the embryonic CNS but are dramatically reduced in the adult. Preliminary cell fractionation experiments suggest that the protein is tightly associated with membranes but is not itself an integral membrane protein. The apparent localization and timing of expression of the SCG10 protein are reminiscent of GAP-43, but the sequences of the two polypeptides are unrelated. Cross-hybridizing mRNAs and antigenically related proteins are found in several nonneuronal cell lines that do not express SCG10.

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© 1988 Cell Press. Received 26 February 1988, Revised 17 May 1988. Portions of this work were initiated in the laboratory of Dr. Richard Axe1 at Columbia University. We thank Dr Axe1 for his financial support, advice, and encouragement in the early stages of this project. We are grateful to Amelia Black, Monica Roth, and Naoko Tanese for advice and materials for the PATH expression vector system. We thank Dr. Hiroyuki Nawa for advice and reagents for the Maxam-Gilbert sequencing method, Mr. Arie Michelsohn for sharing his histological sections, Dr. Toshi Suzue for advice on spinal cord staining, and Ms. Judith Rosenthal for providing expert technical assistance. We are grateful to Mr. Kurt Eakle for providing sequence analysis software and to Ms. Shawn Westaway for kindly running the homology search programs. D. J. A. thanks Ms. Joanne White for her expert help in preparation of the manuscript and Drs. Barbara Wold and Elias Lazarides for their critical comments. This work was supported by NIH grant No. RO1 NS23476-01 and NSF Presidential Young Investigator and Searle Scholar awards to D. J. A. R. S. is supported by a US-Israeli Binational Science Foundation grant. R. S. thanks D. J. A. for a K. Z.

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August 19, 2023
October 23, 2023