Published May 1991 | public
Journal Article

V-myc immortalization of early rat neural crest cells yields a clonal cell line which generates both glial and adrenergic progenitor cells

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We describe the isolation and characterization of an immortal cell line derived by infection of rat neural crest cells with a v-myc-containing replication-defective retrovirus. This clonal cell line, called NCM-1, contains a majority cell population with antigenic and morphologic properties that suggest it may represent a peripheral glial progenitor. In conditioned or in serum-free medium, these NGF receptor-positive cells differentiate to an elongated, bipolar morphology resembling that of primary Schwann cells. This morphologic differentiation is prevented by TGF-β_1, which also acts as a mitogen for the cells. The NCM-1 line is also able to generate clonal derivatives which have extinguished expression of most or all glial markers. Once generated, such cells are stable and do not revert to the glial phenotype. At least some of these cells have acquired sympathoadrenal progenitor-like properties, as shown by their capacity to coexpress tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and neurofilament (NF) in response to basic FGF and dexamethasone. These data imply that the NCM-1 line contains self-renewing cells with the potential to generate precursors in at least two of the sublineages that normally develop from the neural crest. This in turn suggests that the process of immortalization may preserve at least some of the developmental properties characteristic of multipotential neural crest cells. NCM-1 cells may prove useful for the study of neural crest cell lineage segregation, Schwann cell differentiation, and the mechanisms controlling the initial induction of TH and NF gene expression.

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© 1991 Academic Press. Inc. Accepted 28 January 1991. We thank the following investigators for their generosity in providing various antibodies: Dr. E. M. Johnson, Jr. (L-NGFRl; Dr. J. DeVellis (217c); Dr. M. Dubois-Dalcq (04); Dr. B. Ranscht (GalC); Drs. S. Hockfield and R. McKay (Rat 401); Dr. M. Yamamoto (C2F5); Dr. K. Fields (GFAPl; Dr. B. Zaic (2'24-58). We are also grateful to Dr. Paul Stroobant, Ludwig Institute (London) for his generous gift of GGF, and to Derek Stemple for providing primary neural crest cultures and for helpful discussions. We thank Ms. Adela Augsburger for her help in cell-sorting experiments, Mr. Steve Padilla for technical assistance, and Ms. Helen Walsh for help in preparation of the manuscript. We thank Derek Stemple, Chris Schoenherr, and Paul Patterson for their critical comments on the manuscript. Portions of this work were supported by an NIH grant and a PEW faculty fellowship in Neuroscience to D.J.A. S.J.B. was supported by a Damon Runyan-Walter Winchell postdoctoral fellowship. D.J.A. is an Assistant Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

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