Published July 1953 | public
Journal Article

Preyield plastic and anelastic microstrain in low-carbon steel

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This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation of the behavior of an annealed low-carbon steel subjected to rapidly applied constant stresses less than the static upper yield stress. Sensitive measurements of plastic and anelastic microstrain were made and the relationship between stress and equilibrium microstrain determined. The experimentally observed microstrain is quantitatively explained by a dislocation-generating mechanism. The equilibrium number of dislocation loops produced by a Frank-Read source is estimated as a function of the applied stress and the dislocation source length. Comparison of the theory and the experimental data leads to the determination of a characteristic length of dislocation which agrees with previous concepts of a mosaic block structure.

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© 1953 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Received March 6, 1953. The authors wish to express their appreciation to Professor H. F. Bohnenblust of the California Institute of Technology for invaluable aid in developing the mathematical treatment of the properties of the dislocation model presented in this paper. This investigation was conducted under the sponsorship of the Office of Naval Research. The rapid-load testing machine used in this investigation was constructed by the California Institute of Technology under a contract with the United States Air Force. Appreciation is expressed to the U.S. Air Force for permission to use the machine.

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