Published September 22, 1995 | public
Journal Article

Ethylene Insensitivity Conferred by Arabidopsis ERS Gene

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ERS (ethylene response sensor), a gene in the Arabidopsis thaliana ethylene hormoneresponse pathway, was uncovered by cross-hybridization with the Arabidopsis ETR1 gene. The deduced ERS protein has sequence similarity with the amino-terminal domain and putative histidine protein kinase domain of ETR1, but it does not have a receiver domain as found in ETR1. A missense mutation identical to the dominant etrl-4 mutation was introduced into the ERS gene. The altered ERS gene conferred dominant ethylene insensitivity to wild-type Arabidopsis. Double-mutant analysis indicates that ERS acts upstream of the CTR1 protein kinase gene in the ethylene-response pathway.

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© 1995 American Association for the Advancement of Science. 12 May 1995; accepted 4 August 1995. We thank E. Koh for carrying out plant transformations; L. Medrano for RFLP mapping; and X. Chen, S. Jacobsen, B. Krizek, J. Levin, Z. Liu, J.-L. Reichmann, M. Running, R. Sablowski, H. Sakai, and B. Williams for critical comments on the manuscript. Funded by U.S. Department of Energy grant FG03-88ER13873 to E. M. M.

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August 20, 2023
October 19, 2023