Published November 10, 2003 | public
Journal Article

Mechanism for the Phase Transition of a Genetically Engineered Elastin Model Peptide (VPGIG)_(40) in Aqueous Solution

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The concentration dependence of the pressure- and temperature-induced cloud point transition (P_c and T_c, respectively) of aqueous solutions of an elastin-like polypeptide with a repeating pentapeptide Val−Pro−Gly−Ile−Gly sequence (MGLDGSMG(VPGIG)_(40)VPLE) was investigated by using apparent light scattering, differential scanning calorimetry, and circular dichroism methods. In addition, the effects of salts and surfactants on these properties were investigated. The P_c and T_c of the present peptide in aqueous solution were strongly concentration dependent. The calorimetric measurements showed that the enthalpy of transitions was 300−400 kJ/mol, i.e., 7−10 kJ/mol per VPGIG pentamer. The T_c of the (VPGIG)_(40) solution was highly affected by the addition of inert salts or SDS. The effects of salts were consistent with those observed in the lyotropic series or Hoffmeister series. The CD spectrum at low peptide concentrations indicated that the present peptide forms type II β-turn-like structure(s) at higher temperatures, but the temperature dependence of random coil diminishment (195 nm) and β-turn formation (210 nm) were not exactly coincident. A hypothetical mechanism of the (VPGIG)_(40) phase transition that could account for these observations was postulated. Observations suggest that the temperature-responsive properties of the elastin model peptides occur via a mechanism involving conformational change−association−aggregation and that the first two are strongly interactive.

Additional Information

© 2003 American Chemical Society. Published In Issue November 10, 2003. Publication Date (Web): September 5, 2003. Received April 19, 2003. Revised Manuscript Received August 5, 2003.

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