Published November 2014 | public
Journal Article


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As out twentieth print issue comes to a close, together with our third full year of production, we have a lot to be thankful for and a lot for which to be proud. For those of you who have responded positively to our appeals, who took a chance on putting your research work into a new journal with no official ranking and, at best, an uncertain future, your gamble has paid off nicely. For those of you who have supported us from the beginning, from way back in 2011, and who have stood with us for the last three years, repeatedly submitting papers, I believe your loyalty has been duly rewarded. As you know, the Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Report for 2013 has ranked these Transactions (based on our Impact Factor of 4.35) in the top 5% of all electrical engineering journals (12th out of 247) and 17th out of 136 journals in Applied Physics. We were also ranked in the category of Optics, and placed 5th out of 82 of the journals on this list.

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© 2014 IEEE.

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August 20, 2023
October 18, 2023