Published September 20, 1983 | public
Journal Article

Fast chemistry in ion wakes

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The energy loss of an MeV/amu ion to the electrons of a substance can be as great as keV/Å. With such an enormous amount of energy available, it is not surprising that a wide variety of phenomena can occur. Among them are track formation and induced desorption of molecular ions. A common ingredient in models of such processes is the requirement that the electronic excitation has a sufficiently long lifetime (∼ picoseconds) that energy can be transferred to atomic motion. Recently, several new phenomena have been observed that indicate that atomic motion/chemical rearrangement can occur even when the electronic excitation is shorter lived (∼ femtoseconds). Two of these processes, which are also induced by MeV ion bombardment, are track damage in heavily doped compound semiconductors and greatly enhanced adhesion of metal films to metallic and semiconducting substrates. Neither of these effects can be easily accomodated within the existing theoretical models; thus, it is possible that an even richer variety of ion induced effects will be discovered. Speculations on the form of a new theoretical approach are presented.

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© 1983 Elsevier Science Publishers B. V. I wish to express my appreciation to Marcus Mendenhall, Qiu Yuanxun, and Joseph Griffith for allowing me to discuss some of our unpublished experimental results. Conversations with Peter Haff and Marcus Mendenhall have been very useful in helping shape some of the ideas presented herein; that should not, however, be construed as agreement with all my wild notions. Dedicated to Professor R. M. MacFarlane on the occasion of his 50th birthday and presented at a symposium held in his honor at College Station, TX USA 15-18 May 1983. This work was supported in part by NSF (CHE-13273 and PHY82-15500), NASA (NAGW-202), IBM, and the Caltech President's Fund. Finally, I am especially honored to have been chosen to present this work in celebration of Ron MacFarlane's first half century.

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