Published October 8, 2014 | public
Conference Paper

Application of a laser induced fluorescence model to the numerical simulation of detonation waves

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Although numerical simulations have become an essential tool for detonation dynamics understanding, most of the physical constraints that exist within experiments are not accounted for which makes difficult a comparison. In the present study, a simple laser induced fluorescence model has been implemented and used to post-treat detonation wave numerical simulation results and allow a direct comparison with previous experimental visualizations of detonations in hydrogen-oxygen-diluent mixtures. The model is first applied to steady one-dimensional simulation results obtained with detailed chemistry. The effects on the fluorescence intensity of the model parameters are examined to underline the dominant processes. The model is then applied to unsteady two-dimensional simulation results obtained with reduced chemical schemes and a comparison is made with existing experimental data. The results essentially demonstrate good qualitative agreement between the experimental and calculated laser induced fluorescence intensities.

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Paper #280.

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August 19, 2023
October 17, 2023