Published March 1966 | Published
Journal Article Open

Experimental Observations on the Flow Past a Plano-Convex Hydrofoil

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Some new measurements and observations on the noncavitating and cavitating flow past a plano-convex hydrofoil are presented. Under some conditions of partial cavitation, strong, periodic oscillations both in the cavity length and forces exerted on the hydrofoil are observed. The reduced frequency of oscillation depends upon the cavitation number and angle of attack; it also depends somewhat on tunnel speed for the lower angles of attack but becomes substantially independent of speed for the highest angle. The peak-to-peak magnitude of the force oscillation can amount to about 20 percent of the average force.

Additional Information

Copyright © 1966 by ASME. Contributed by the Fluids Engineering Division for presentation at the Applied Mechanics / Fluids Engineering Conference. Washington, D. C ., June 7- 9, 1965, of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Manuscript received at ASME Headquarters, February 19, 1965. Paper No. 65--FE-3. The participation of the members of the Hydrodynamics Laboratory staff, and in particular that of T. Kiceniuk, during the course of this experimental investigation is gratefully appreciated. This work was supported by the Department of the Navy under Contract Nonr 220(24).

Attached Files

Published - Experimental_Observations_on_the_Flow_Past_a_Plano-Convex_Hydrofoil.pdf



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