Published August 5, 2014 | Submitted
Discussion Paper Open

Gauge Theories on the Coulomb branch

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We construct the world-volume action of a probe D3-brane in AdS_5×S^5 with N units of flux. It has the field content, symmetries, and dualities of the U(1) factor of N = 4 U(N + 1) super Yang–Mills theory, spontaneously broken to U(N)×U(1) by being on the Coulomb branch, with the massive fields integrated out. This motivates the conjecture that it is the exact effective action, called a highly effective action (HEA). We construct an SL(2,ℤ) multiplet of BPS soliton solutions of the D3-brane theory (the conjectured HEA) and show that they reproduce the electrically charged massive states that have been integrated out as well as magnetic monopoles and dyons. Their charges are uniformly spread on a spherical surface, called a soliton bubble, which is interpreted as a phase boundary.

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Imported from arXiv. Lectures presented at the Erice 2014 International School of Subnuclear Physics. The author wishes to acknowledges discussions and communications with Hee-Joong Chung, Frank Ferrari, Abhijit Gadde, Jerome Gauntlett, Sergei Gukov, Nicholas Hunter-Jones, Elias Kiritsis, Arthur Lipstein, Nick Manton, Hirosi Ooguri, Jaemo Park, Nati Seiberg, Savdeep Sethi, Yuji Tachikawa, David Tong, and Wenbin Yan. This work was supported in part by DOE Grant # DE-SC0011632. The author acknowledges the hospitality of the Aspen Center for Physics, where he began working on this project in the summer of 2013, and where he wrote this manuscript in the summer of 2014. The ACP is supported by the National Science Foundation Grant No. PHY-1066293.

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August 20, 2023
January 30, 2025