Published August 2014 | public
Conference Paper

Kinetics and near-infrared spectroscopy of chlorine-substituted peroxy radicals

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Peroxy radicals form in the atm. oxidn. of nearly every volatile org. compd. (VOC). Their competing fates propagate or terminate free radical chem. in the troposphere. Atomic chlorine is a minor tropospheric oxidant, found in marine and coastal regions, which reacts with volatile alkenes to yield chlorine-substituted peroxy radicals. In this work, we present the near-IR absorption spectra of peroxy radicals formed in the chorine-initiated oxidn. of a variety of VOCs including isoprene, the most important nonmethane hydrocarbon emitted into the troposphere. We use cavity ringdown spectroscopy to observe the weak A-X electronic transition of peroxy radicals in the near-IR region. By monitoring the temporal decay of absorption features under varying radical environments, we report rate consts. for the self reaction of chlorine-substituted peroxy radicals as well as their dominant atm. fates: reaction with HO₂ and NO. Reaction with HO₂ is important in pristine environments while reaction with NO dominates in polluted regions. We compare our results to those available for hydroxyl-substituted and alkyl peroxy radicals to elucidate the effect of chlorine substitution on peroxy radical reactivity. To our knowledge, these results report the first near-IR absorption spectrum of a peroxy radical derived from isoprene oxidn. The real-time kinetic measurements of the reaction with HO₂ and NO provide insight into the highly atmospherically relevant isoprene system.

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© 2014 American Chemical Society.

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August 20, 2023
October 17, 2023