Published August 2014 | public
Conference Paper

Temperature dependent branching ratios of HONO_2 and HOONO from HO_x and NO_x cross reactions found using pulsed cavity-ringdown spectroscopy

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The HO_x (HO_2 and OH) and NO_x (NO and NO_2) cycles have major roles in both ozone loss in the stratosphere and pollution from hydrocarbon oxidn. in the troposphere. Two of the central reactions in the atm. are OH + NO_2 -> HONO_2 and HO_2 + NO -> OH + NO_2.. Formation of stable compds., like HNO_3, by chain termination steps decrease radical concns. in the stratosphere and troposphere and provide sinks for both HO_x and NO_x. We employed pulsed-laser-photolysis (PLP) to generate radicals in a temp.-controlled slow flow cell and mid-IR detection of intermediates and products in real time using cavity-ringdown spectroscopy (CRDS). We have investigated the yields for HONO_2 and HOONO products, extending our previous work on the OH + NO_2 reaction at room temp. Our expts. also shed light on the branching ratio of HONO_2 from HO_2 + NO.

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© 2014 American Chemical Society.

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August 20, 2023
October 17, 2023