Published June 20, 2014 | Published + Submitted
Journal Article Open

Dust Formation, Evolution, and Obscuration Effects in the Very High-redshift Universe

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The evolution of dust at redshifts z ≳ 9, and consequently the dust properties, differs greatly from that in the local universe. In contrast to the local universe, core collapse supernovae (CCSNe) are the only source of thermally condensed dust. Because of the low initial dust-to-gas mass ratio, grain destruction rates are low, so that CCSNe are net producers of interstellar dust. Galaxies with large initial gas mass or high mass infall rate will therefore have a more rapid net rate of dust production compared to galaxies with lower gas mass, even at the same star formation rate. The dust composition is dominated by silicates, which exhibit a strong rise in the UV opacity near the Lyman break. This "silicate-UV break" may be confused with the Lyman break, resulting in a misidentification of a galaxy's photometric redshift. In this Letter we demonstrate these effects by analyzing the spectral energy distribution of MACS1149-JD, a lensed galaxy at z = 9.6. A potential 2 mm counterpart of MACS1149-JD has been identified with GISMO. While additional observations are required to corroborate this identification, we use this possible association to illustrate the physical processes and the observational effects of dust in the very high-redshift universe.

Additional Information

© 2014 American Astronomical Society. Received 2014 April 9; accepted 2014 May 4; published 2014 June 4. This work was supported through NSF ATI grants 1020981 and 1106284 (J.S., T.S., A.K. and the GISMO observations). IRAM is supported by INSU/CNRS (France),MPG (Germany) and IGN (Spain). E.D. and R.G.A. acknowledges support of NASA-ROSES-ATP2012. We acknowledge the comments made by the referee which have led to amore detailed discussion on the origin of dust in the early universe. E.D. thanks Rachel Somerville for a helpful discussion.

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