Published December 2009 | public
Journal Article

Young's modulus and internal friction in porous biocarbon white pine wood precursors

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This paper reports on a study performed in the temperature range 100–293 K, in air and in vacuum, for the amplitude and time dependences of the Young's modulus and the internal friction (ultrasound damping) of biocarbon precursors prepared from white pine wood at two pyrolysis (carbonization) temperatures of 1000 and 2400°C. The measurements have been conducted by the resonance technique with a composite vibrator on samples cut along and across the tree growth direction. The desorption of molecules of the external medium at low amplitudes of ultrasonic vibrations has been found to produce the pronounced influence on the effective elastic modulus and elastic vibration decrement. The data obtained from acoustic measurements of the amplitude dependences of the elastic modulus have been used to estimate the microplastic properties of the samples. It has been shown that increasing the carbonization temperature gives rise to noticeable changes in the Young's modulus and internal friction, as well as to reduction of the microplastic stress σ y of the biomaterial studied. The stress σ_y of the samples cut across the growth direction has been found to be substantially smaller than that of the "longitudinal" samples. The elastic and microplastic properties of precursors prepared from white pine wood have been compared with those of the white eucalyptus wood.

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© 2009 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Original Russian Text © B.K. Kardashev, T.S. Orlova, B.I. Smirnov, T.E. Wilkes, K.T. Faber, 2009, published in Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 2009, Vol. 51, No. 12, pp. 2320–2325. Received April 2, 2009. Translated by G. Skrebtsov. This study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project no. 07-03-91353 NNF_a) and the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (program P-03). The financial support for T.E.W. and K.T.F. from the US National Science Foundation under grant DMR-0710630 is gratefully acknowledged.

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October 26, 2023