Published November 2009 | public
Journal Article

Heat Capacity of the White Pine Biocarbon Preform and the Related Biocarbon/Copper Composite

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This paper reports on measurements in the 80–300-K temperature interval of the heat capacity at constant pressure C_(p)(T) of high-porosity amorphous white pine carbon preforms (biocarbon) prepared by pyrolysis (carbonization) at T_(carb) = 1000 and 2400°C in an argon flow. The dependences C_(p)(T) for biocarbon/copper composites based on the carbon preforms obtained have also been determined. It is shown that the mixture rule holds for the composites, i.e., that C_(p)(T) of the composite is a sum of the heat capacities of the constituent materials taken in the corresponding ratios. Phonon mean free paths for the white pine carbon preforms prepared at T_(carb) = 1000 and 2400°C have been calculated and used to estimate the size of the nanocrystallites contributing to formation of the carbon frameworks of these preforms.

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© 2009 I.A. Smirnov, T.S. Orlova, B.I. Smirnov, D.W. Wlosewicz, H. Misiorek, A. Jezowski, T.E. Wilkes, K.T. Faber. Received March 16, 2009. This study was supported by the Russian Basic Research Foundation (project no. 07-03-91353 NNF_a) and the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (program nos. P-03 and P-27). The financial support for T.E.W. and K.T.F. from the U.S. National Science Foundation under grant DMR-0710630 is gratefully acknowledged.

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August 19, 2023
October 26, 2023