Published January 1997 | public
Journal Article

GRIP-2: A Sensitive Balloon-borne Imaging Gamma-ray Telescope

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This paper describes the balloon-borne coded-aperture telescope, GRIP-2, which is designed for imaging observations of astrophysical sources in the 30 keV-2 MeV band. GRIP-2 employs the rotating hexagonal coded-mask imaging technique pioneered by the Caltech GRIP-1 [Cook et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. NS-31 (1984) 771] instrument. GRIP-2 has an angular resolution of 33′ over a 15° FWHM field of view. A large (3850 cm^2 geometric area) NaI(Tl)/CsI(Na) phoswich detector provides excellent source detection sensitivity. We describe here the instrument design, performance, and preliminary results from the first two balloon flights.

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Copyright © 1997 Published by Elsevier. Received 20 May 1996, Revised 20 September 1996. We would like to thank Jill Burnham, Derrick Key, and Brian Matthews for excellent technical support. We thank the staff and launch crew at theNational Scientific Balloon Facility for two very successful flights. Support for this work was provided by NASA grants NAGW 1919 and NGT-50804. WAH acknowledges support from a NASA Graduate Student Research Program fellowship.

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