Published October 1, 1997 | public
Journal Article

Webs of Archived Distributed Computations for Asynchronous Collaboration

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We identify the mechanisms needed to construct archivable webs of distributed asynchronous collaborations and experiments. The distinguishing feature of our approach is that the component tools, software, data, and even participants are distributed over a worldwide network. We perform a requirements analysis of an infrastructure that supports such applications, and present the Caltech Infospheres Infrastructure as a prototype that satisfies the requirements identified. In describing this prototype, we highlight the useful mechanisms provided, present an algorithm for using the Infospheres Infrastructure to perform asynchronous global snapshots for archiving, and suggest future areas of exploration.

Additional Information

© 1997 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Manufactured in The Netherlands. Received August 8, 1996 ; Revised April 15, 1997. Editor: Salim Hariri. The Caltech Infospheres Project is sponsored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under grant AFOSR F49620-94-1-0244, by the CISE directorate of the National Science Foundation under Problem Solving Environments grant CCR-9527130, by the NSF Center for Research on Parallel Computation under Cooperative Agreement Number CCR-9120008, and by Novell, Inc. Please see for more information about the Infospheres Infrastructure. The idea of archiving computational experiments in asynchronous collaborations and linking the archived experiments was originally suggested by John Reynders and Peter Beckman of Los Alamos National Laboratories.

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August 19, 2023
October 26, 2023