Published September 1974 | public
Journal Article

Economic air pollution control model for Los Angeles County in 1975 - Part II: Application of Model to Photochemical Smog in Los Angeles County in 1975

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The general least cost-air quality model of Part I is characterized for the problem of photochemical smog in Los Angeles County in 1975. Emission levels are specified by average tons/day emissions of reactive hydrocarbons (RHC) and nitrogen oxides (NO_x). Air quality, also two dimensional, is specified by the expected number of days per year that oxidant and nitrogen dioxide in Central Los Angeles exceed the California 1-hr state standards. The baseline for additional control policy is the 1975 emission level with the present federal new car control program and with other sources having the degree of control existing in 1971. The least cost of reaching various emission levels is found by applying linear programming to 23 major source types and 31 potential "add-on" controls. Expected O_3 and NO_2 levels are found as functions of emission levels using empirical-statistical air quality models. These results are combined to yield the least cost of attaining various O_3 and NO_2 levels in Central Los Angeles in 1975.

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© 1974 by the American Chemical Society. Received for review October 17, 1972. Accepted April 24, 1974.

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August 19, 2023
October 26, 2023